By no means do we advise on how to survive infidelity. We have gathered the below statistics, thoughts, and counsel from various sources. We have found that more times than not, there are more questions than answers doing infidelity investigations. We are experts in the field of infidelity investigations. For inquiries outside our expertise, we recommend consulting those most knowledgeable about them. Keeping that in mind, the below information was gathered from many reputable sources to use as a starting point.

Statistics show that many married individuals will experience infidelity at some of their lives — though it’s just an estimation since the exact numbers are unknown. The statistics indicate that infidelity is becoming a bigger problem than most realize.

People who have experienced infidelity know that it can be one of the most traumatic events, the effects of which can linger for a lifetime. It can impair a person’s ability to trust others and to build healthy relationships. As such, it’s almost impossible to survive infidelity alone. Whether you decide to move on or remain in the marriage, you first need to overcome the hard feelings and then find a way to mend things. Here are some tips we have gathered that can help you along the way:

How To Survive Infidelity – Vent Out Your Feelings

Look for people who will understand you and your feelings and will provide the necessary support. Share your sense with your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone you trust, as soon as you discover infidelity. Sharing will make you feel better. Knowing some people love you and want to help you. You can also choose to vent out your feelings online at forums and discussions.

Do Not Hold Any Grudges

Couple trying to survive infidelity.

Practicing gratitude can improve situations to a great extent. Gratitude doesn’t happen overnight but nurturing a positive mindset can help you evolve and eventually leave all your resentment behind. Mostly, the bitter feelings that stem out of infidelity can act as a deadweight to pull you down if you don’t train yourself to let them go.

Betrayal and despair can make you feel miserable, but take some time to think about things that you appreciate in your spouse. You will feel a lot better and will be in a better position to make the right judgment.

One more thing that people must avoid doing is giving ultimatums. Ultimatums worsen relationships. You will have more fights, your spouse becomes even more stubborn, and both declined to compromise. So keep you calm and take time to get over your feelings.

Listen to Your Partner

You must never decide without listening to each other. A person engages in infidelity for many reasons. Therefore you need to know the exact cause of betrayal. Take turns to listen to each other even if it hurts. Refrain from saying anything in between when you are listening to your partner. Going too fast might make things worse. Hear what your partner has to say and then form an opinion.

See a Marriage Counselor

If you genuinely want to save your marriage, it’s best to consult a marriage counselor. Some people may not be willing to share their experiences with a stranger, or they might also think a counselor is of no help. Still, people who have taken refuge under counseling have benefited immensely. You can try taking control of things, but consider going to a marriage counselor if you can’t.

You can also join online marriage counseling courses that will teach you how to talk to your spouse about infidelity and decide whether to stay in a relationship or give up. The best thing about these courses is that you do not meet anyone face-to-face but get the advantage of counseling.

How To Survive Infidelity – Start Afresh

The best thing you can do, whether you decide to remain in the relationship or decide to move out. If you choose to stay, let go of the bitterness and old thoughts and start the relationship afresh. Go out, spend time together, and remain committed to each other. If you decide to move out, snap all ties with your partner and give yourself enough space and time to recover from the broken relationship. Do everything that makes you feel good. Start your life all over again.